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Search for a Horse Yard Review

Choose the AREA ("category") where you are looking and the livery TYPE ("tag") of Yard set-up you want your horse on.

Can't find a Yard? If you've been on it, you can add it.

What does this site do?


This site is here to help horse owners choose the yard that is best suited to their horses and themselves.

It also brings Yard Owners to account. The open-to-all reviews and ratings should serve as an impetus for Horse Yard owners to improve and maintain the standard of facilities and services they provide.

It also gives you, the horse owner, a voice to help others make their decisions about which yard to choose.

Add your thoughts & ratings to existing Yard reviews (that you've stabled on).

Or submit a new review of any yard not yet listed on here.

"Found my perfect yard - and avoided a few potential nasties - your service is much appreciated."
NS, Manchester

"The site means horse yard owners have to take care of their customers. That's a good thing!!!"
SE, Burnley

How this site works

  • Anyone can add a yard
    It costs nothing.
  • Anyone can comment on a yard
    But only those yards on which you have homed a horse. You must not rate a yard you have not been on.
  • Owners of yards cannot rate their own yard
    Or those of a nearby competitor. IPs are logged and any gaming of the rating will be publically exposed on the owner's own yard page.
  • Ratings can be reset
    If a yard changes owners. In effect, we will create a new listing for the Yard and archive the old listing.
  • Acknowledging improvements
    A previously poorly rated yard that attains consistently good ratings for 12 months after its last bad rating (less than 3), can request a ratings re-set, as above.
  • This site does not accept any payments from any yard
    No promotions, no placements, no influence.
  • This site does accept sponsorship
    From non-yard related businesses. That is just to cover running costs. The site itself is not-for-profit. It's all for the horses, obvs 🙂

Latest yards added

Birtle Riding Centre

By Monty | January 15, 2020

Lomaxwood Livery Yard

By Monty | January 15, 2020

TEMPLATE – yard review

By Monty | January 9, 2020